Philadelphia Blues Guitarist,
Shakey Lee Lyman

Shakey plays blues guitar in a style that is a hybrid of both Delta and Texas blues. You’ll hear him play guitar and harmonica, keep a beat with tap shoes, and take care of the vocals! He plays all over, mostly near Philadelphia, but also Austin Tx and the west coast. A veteran performer at Jewett City’s Vision and Grit festivals (2011 - 2014), he came to enjoy playing in Connecticut.
Shakey’s influences run from Robert Johnson to Hank Williams, from early last century to modern times.
If you want to hear a silly bluesabilly from Philly, come see Shakey play at the Middle Haddam Public Library June 2nd at 6pm.
Proceeds to benefit our project to digitize, organize and preserve our archive.
Advance Tickets are $20.
You can purchase advance tickets by sending payment to Venmo or PayPal (@middlehaddampubliclibrary) or in person.
Thank you for your support!